S.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Président de la Commission de l'Union africaine, lors de la cérémonie de remise des bâtiments de l'AfCFTA à l'UA


H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo, President of Republic of Ghana,

H.E. Isssouffou Mahamadou, President of the Republic of Niger,

H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of Republic of South Africa and Chairperson of the African Union,

H.E. Wamekele Mene, AfCFTA Secretary General,

Honourable Ministers,

Ladies and Gentlemen

Je suis honoré d'être ici pour assister à la remise du siège du secrétariat de l'AfCFTA par la République du Ghana à l'Union africaine.  

Je tiens également à remercier le président Nana Akufo-Addoh pour l'accueil chaleureux et la gracieuse hospitalité qui m'ont été accordés lors de ma visite. Je vous remercie, Excellence.

 Dans le même ordre d'idées, je tiens à saluer son leadership inébranlable qui a permis de plaider avec force et légitimité en faveur de l'accueil du secrétariat ici, au Ghana. Il a notamment fourni des ressources financières pour faire en sorte que cet important symbole de notre Union soit construit et prêt aujourd'hui.

Je tiens également à rendre un hommage particulier au président du Niger, Issoufou Mohamaddou, qui est le champion du projet phare de l'AfCFTA. Son plaidoyer fort et soutenu a permis la ratification et l'entrée en vigueur la plus rapide d'un instrument de l'UA, après l'Acte constitutif de l'UA. Merci Monsieur le Président !

Nous sommes également ici aujourd'hui grâce au soutien et au leadership sans faille du président Cyril Ramaphosa et du président de notre Union, qui a fait de l'opérationnalisation de l'AfCFTA une priorité durant son mandat.

En effet, ce jour marque une étape historique dans la réalisation de la vision de nos Pères fondateurs pour l'intégration continentale, qui remonte à la session inaugurale de l'OUA en 1963 et qui a été exprimée avec force par le président de l'époque, Kwame Nkrumah, dans son discours historique


Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

We stand here today despite a global Covid 19 pandemic that has caused major disruptions to global trade and the movement of goods and people.

It is fitting that the secretariat will have its home here, in Accra. Ghana is a historical trading centre for gold, cocoa and timbers and other valuable goods, and remains an important center of commerce on the Continent and beyond.

Accra is also, and has always been a guardian of our collective Pan African memory, not only as a home of thought  but also as a port of safety and freedom for fellow Africans fleeing persecution, and for people of African descent seeking refuge or simply coming back home. 

While the operationalization of the Secretariat was postponed due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the same pandemic has also magnified the urgent need for speed to accelerate economic integration on the Continent.  

This crisis with its negative impact on trade and the multilateral system, is also an opportunity to rethink our value chains and reduce our reliance on traditional supply routes.

To ensure we can absorb the negative impacts of future pandemics, we must integrate our markets, accelerate industrial development, enhance competitiveness to ensure a prosperous, peaceful and integrated future for our people.

When Covid19 hit, Africa took strong and early action, to the surprise of many. We opened essential corridors to facilitate the transport and delivery of urgently needed equipment and first responders to member states.

We also set up a pooled procurement platform of medical supplies for member states, and AfricaCDC, the AU agency for public health emergencies, is ably coordinating  the continental response.

Africa demonstrated her resilience and also our sense of cooperation and solidarity in the face of this common threat.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

It is this same spirit of unity, that has brought us here today, to this physical manifestation of a key economic pan african agenda that will be led  by Honourable Wamkele Mwene, whose vast experience, vision and competence belies his relative youth. Congratulations and I’m sure you will take care of this beautiful headquarters!

I cannot finish without applauding the African trade ministers, including  Minister Alan Kyerematen here today, whose strong contribution, I remember, together with Foreign Minister Shirley Botchwey, was critical not only to Ghana’s victory to host the AfCFTA Secretariat,  but also for the success of the entire process. I can also not forget the AU Commissioner for Trade Dr Albert Muchanga who together with his team and their hard work, brought us to this historic milestone.

Let me now conclude with the words of Kwame Nkurumah, “The task ahead is great indeed, heavy is the responsibility; and yet it is a noble and glorious challenge. A challenge which calls for the courage to believe, the courage to dare, the courage to do, the courage to fight, the courage to achieve.”

I thank you for your attention.

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