Acting President of PAP sends Message of Solidarity to MPs


Dear Honorable Members of the Pan-African Parliament,

As the world continues to battle with the latest and devastating epidemic of COVID-19, I am deeply concerned about the rapid increase of the virus on our continent. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the epidemic.

As an African Union Organ; the Pan-African Parliament, whose Secretariat is based in South Africa, currently the epicenter of the Coronavirus in the African region, we salute the efforts and response of our respective Governments and the interventions of the Chair of the African Union, H.E Mr. Cyril RAMAPHOSA, President of the Republic of South Africa for steering not only his country, but the Union in the right direction for the continent to achieve the flattening of the infections curve.

The decisive interventions are received with gratitude and hope. The news that there are signs of reduction in numbers of infections in the Republic of South Africa must motivate the entire continent. Without fear, let us continue to stand together, to speak with one voice and to act as one.

The efforts of the African Union Commission (AUC) under diligent leadership of the Chairperson, H.E Moussa Faki MAHAMAT, are  commendable and encouraging. I wish to thank him for timely  employing necessary steps to protect our Continental Parliamentarians as well as the tens of thousands of our Union Staff Members from the relentless spread of the virus.

The Pan-African Parliament also wishes to commend the African Union CDC for its hard work and dedication in keeping the continent  informed about the developments and changes, whether big or small and for sharing all the important information meant to educate our people on how to protect themselves and defeat this health scare.

As Members of the Pan-African Parliament, let us continue to work harder to encourage citizens in our various constituencies to comply with regulations employed by our governments to save lives.

The Bureau stands firm with all our countries to get through this trying time.

One Africa, One Voice!

                                                                                                                                         Hon. Bouras DJAMEL

Acting President, Pan-African Parliament

For the Bureau