Visit of the Champion of the theme of the Year 2019 to the Republic of Uganda

  • When
    19 Aug 2020 - 3 Sep 2020
  • Where
    Addis Ababa, Lesotho

Africa is home to at over 25.2 million forcibly displaced persons, made up of 7.4 million refugees and 17.8 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The continental also hosts 484,000 asylum seekers and some 712,000 stateless persons. Forced displacement has continued to plague Africa over the years, largely trigger by intra-state conflicts, including inter-communal and ethnic violence, persecution as well as natural disasters. Although forced displacement is a global challenge, political uncertainties, incidents of human trafficking, mixed migratory patterns, forced recruitment into terrorist networks and violent extremism, securitization of refugee/IDP camps, sexual and gender-based violence, erratic weather, floods and drought, among other issues continue to exacerbate displacements in Africa.