2nd Vice President

Hon. Aichata Haidara CISSÉ is a member of the Malian Parliament and was elected 2nd Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament in May 2018 where she represents the West African Region. Hon. Cisse is also responsible for the Parliamentary Diplomacy of the Pan-African Parliament. She is a former presidential candidate in Mali where she ran as the only female in 2013.
Renowned trade unionist in the air transport sector, she was Secretary General of the Air Afrique workers union in Mali, between 1983 and 1997. From 1984 to 2000, Hon. Cissé was the General Secretary for French-speaking Africa of the ITF (International Transport Federation).
Hon. Aichata Haidara CISSÉ was awarded the 2019 “Crans Montana Forum's Gold Medal “during the 30th Annual Session of the Crans Montana Forum, held from 26 to 29 June 2019 in Geneva. The medal is the highest honour awarded by the Forum on exceptional occasions and by special decision in recognition of successful achievements in favour of a more Humane World. Hon. CISSÉ was recognized for her actions towards peace, security and international cooperation in Mali and throughout the African Continent.